Fantasyland (Journey's End) 3m 46s


I watch you from the quiet skies

Your broken heart, the tears you cry

Each step you take, a chain you bear

A weight of love that can't repair


The world moves on, yet you remain

Bound to a shadow, lost in pain

I wish you'd see, the life you waste

In chasing dreams that can't be faced


Let me go, release the chains

Stop seeking me in endless pain

The love we had was pure and true

But now it's time to live for you


I feel your grasp, it pulls me near

But I'm no longer truly here

What once was ours is just a flame

A fading light, a whispered name


You loved me well, and I was yours

But holding on now only wars

With all the life you have to live

Let go, my love, learn to forgive


Let me go, release the chains

Stop seeking me in endless pain

The love we had was pure and true

But now it's time to live for you


Through all the stars, I'll shine above

A quiet song, a distant love

Remember me, but don't despair

I'll always be with you somewhere

Cover for Land Of Fantasy Album

Land Of Fantasy

Jan 12, 2025 5 Tracks

Album available on