Fantasyland III 3m 22s


The spell was cast, the pact was made

But what returned leaves me afraid

A body moves, but not a soul

A shadowed husk I can't control


Your hands are claws, your voice is torn

A twisted shape, no thought reborn

I sought your love, defied the grave

But brought back only what I crave


"Together we embraced the dawn"

But now that light feels cold and drawn

What once was life is now a blight

A monstrous form that haunts the night


Your eyes like glass, they never see

No spark remains of what was free

I reach for you, but feel the void

A bond, once pure, now lies destroyed


The earth, it shakes beneath your feet

Each step a scream, a dread deceit

Your shadow looms, your voice a roar

I pray to gods I don't implore


"Every moment filled with light"

Now fades beneath eternal night

The love I knew, it's lost, betrayed

A hollow shell that death remade


Your broken frame, it calls my name

But all that's left is guilt and shame

Through teeth that bite and claws that rend

A love once whole now meets its end


"Together we embraced the dawn"

But now that light feels cold and drawn

What once was life is now a blight

A monstrous form that haunts the night


"Every moment filled with light"

Now fades beneath eternal night

The love I knew, it's lost, betrayed

A hollow shell that death remade


Through endless night, I'll stand and fight

To end the pain, to make this right

What once was love, now terror breeds

And only death can plant new seeds

Cover for Land Of Fantasy Album

Land Of Fantasy

Jan 12, 2025 5 Tracks

Album available on