Red Crown 3m 11s


A weight like fire pressed upon the brow

Its glow deceives, yet none ask how

The red of dusk, the blood of kings

A hollow prize, the pain it brings


Through time's decay, its echoes call

The crown that rises demands the fall

A ruler's hand, unyielding, cold

Grasping power no heart could hold


The Red Crown thrives, the empires bleed

A spark of pride, a growing seed

Its path is ruin, its throne despair

A mark of doom that none can bear


The Red Crown shines, a radiant lure

Promising power, but none endure

Its voice commands, its grip constrains

A cycle of loss in eternal chains


No sun can chase its shadow away

It feeds on hope and dims the day

Each jewel it holds, a stolen breath

Each golden thread, a vow to death


A serpent's coil lies beneath its frame

Binding the wearer to endless shame

The sands may shift, the Nile may dry

But the crown persists where all else dies


Djedu iryut n ma'at

Hedjet djeset, henu henek

Neniu nesu, neniu neset

Iryut neb net desheret kheper


The Red Crown thrives, the empires bleed

A spark of pride, a growing seed

Its path is ruin, its throne despair

A mark of doom that none can bear


The Red Crown shines, a radiant lure

Promising power, but none endure

Its voice commands, its grip constrains

A cycle of loss in eternal chains


Shemesu em hesyt, shemesu nety-khet

Sepa iryu net setekh-a

Hemu desheret maa, hesyf peyu-khet

Urt seshemu net heret ma'at

Cover for Deshret Album


Jan 9, 2025 7 Tracks

Album available on